Firewood Storage

Re:   Firewood Removal  

Dear Ski Trails owners,

As part of the Ski Trails Defensible Space Requirements outlined by the Northstar Fire Department, we’ve been asked to have Association members clear firewood being stored in the common areas.   Please have any firewood you may be storing under decks, stairwells, or stacked against the building removed as soon as possible.  Your firewood may be placed on the rear deck with a fire-retardant tarp encasing the wood.
Tarps covering your firewood must meet NFPA 701. Tarps meeting NFPA 701 are available at Mountain Hardware in Truckee, CA.   I’ve also included a couple links to acceptable fire-retardant tarps available online:

CAMCO will dispose of any firewood that is left in the areas noted above on September 15, 2019.

The Northstar Fire Department may be re-inspecting the property after October 1, 2019.   Upon inspection, owners storing firewood on their decks without a fire-retardant tarp may be subject to a $1,000 fine assessed by the Northstar Fire Department. 
Please contact me if you have any questions.  Thank you for your assistance with this project.
Eric Wicks
Property Manager